Fatigue: Are you tired all the time? Possible health issues causing this troubling symptom, don't neglect


TATT', how are you feeling?

TATT (tired all the time) is an acronym for the problem of feeling exhausted throughout the day. Lack of sleep at night is an evident factor in feeling tired. Adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep per night, according to the NHS UK. Your exhaustion may, however, be caused by other worrying factors, so this should not be ignored. These are a few of the health issues that weariness is linked to.

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Sleep apnoea

Your breathing may briefly stop while you sleep if you have sleep apnea, a medical disorder. This may cause restless sleep and weariness during the day.

Along with daily exhaustion, typical sleep apnoea symptoms include loud snoring, frequent awakenings, gasping, snorting, or choking noises, and erratic breathing.


Your body doesn't produce enough red blood cells if you have anemia, which can cause weakness and exhaustion. Anemia can be brought on by a variety of conditions. A lack of iron or vitamin B12 is two common causes.

Your body's levels of these nutrients can be determined by a blood test, which can also indicate whether you need to increase your intake through diet or supplementation.


Fatigue may result from high blood sugar levels. People with diabetes either have insufficient insulin production from their pancreas or have poor insulin utilization.

Blood glucose levels are elevated as a result. The body cannot use glucose as energy when blood glucose levels are too high. Fatigue may arise from this.

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Blood Sugar Optimization Exposed(video).

Thyroid problems

Fatigue can result from both an overactive and underactive thyroid. The major job of the thyroid gland is to make hormones that control metabolism.

The body's metabolism slows down in those with an underactive thyroid. This might make you feel drowsy. When a thyroid is overactive, the body's metabolism quickens. The much exercise may also make one tired.

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Healthy Habits(video & ebook training)

Lifestyle factors

Fatigue can result from a variety of lifestyle reasons aside from major medical conditions or insufficient sleep. Dehydration is one of these factors, so it's critical to maintain constant hydration.

Poor diet is another aspect of lifestyle. A diet high in processed foods, sweets, and bad fats might make you feel drained and lethargic. Instead, consume a diet rich in whole grains, fresh fruits, seasonal vegetables, and healthy fats. If you are having unexplained exhaustion, speak with your doctor


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